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Frequently asked questions

  • How much is the rent?

​Rent is calculated according to Government of Alberta Rent Geared to Income (30% RGI) regulations. Base rent is 30% of monthly revenue which is revised annually. Water, natural gas, electicity, waste disposal as well the TV & WiFi package are in addition to the base rent. Each case is unique and you are welcome to check with us to calculate your monthly rent.

  • When can I move in?

​After submitting your application, we will review your eligibility and rate your application based on specific criteria established by the Government of Alberta. After your interview, you will be on our waiting list and we will contact you when your file is at the top of the list. You will then decide to move in or wait for another opportunity at a later date.

  • May I bring my dog or cat with me?

Pets are not allowed in both Manoirs.


  • May I smoke in the building?

Smoking is strictly prohibited in both Manoirs according to provincial and municipal laws. Smoking in the building will lead to eviction. Smoking is allowed outside the building at least 10 meters from doors and windows.


  • Do I bring my own furniture?

None of our suites are furnished. You will have to bring your own furniture.

Fill up the form below

Please complete the forms below (application and medical report) then attach a copy of your Notice of Assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency. You may send your application through postal mail, email, fax or deliver in person at our office.

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